SCS System recieves patent in the United States, patent #39993-00.
Through Creativity,
and Innovation for Our World
Through Creativity,
and Innovation for Our World

The SCS System is a cost-effective, easy, and very rapid repair, strengthening, and protection system for existing piles, poles, and columns of any shape and size. Utilizes the latest in FRP technologies in combination with our patented components. The SCS System can be used on columns located on terra firma, in remote locations, or even underwater with ease and efficiency.
Test results of the SCS System achieved 3x the flexural capacity of a full UNDAMAGED pile.
The compression test performance of the SCS System strengthened a simulated DAMAGED pile by 613%, to result in a 188.9% increase in axial load capacity above a full, UNDAMAGED timber pile.
Offers the best solution for infrastructure repairs and strengthening existing columns associated with bridges, wharves, docks, piers, and utility poles.
This value-engineered system offers a vast reduction in installation labor, equipment, and installation time which tabulates to more significant cost savings.
Extensive research and analysis were conducted at North Carolina State University, CFL Laboratory.
A new and unique category of concrete.
This newly developed dry mix, super absorbing concrete designed to be used as a flood and debris control material, however, there are many other uses for this unique cementitious mix, such as barricades and armor.
Tunneling and Mining Applications
Military applications including defensive barriers
Capable of rapid deployment
Lighter than the same volume of standard materials used for flood control

Multifunctional interlocking containment protective bags. Filled with special blends of dry hygroscopic concrete, they connect to form a strong, energy dissipating and protective system. Uses include erosion protection, flood control, and quickly established military bunkers.
Easier, quicker, and stronger than any other erosion protection product
Withstands exceptional forces and remains intact
The best product for flood control and erosion protection