Final Smith-Emery Test Results Show SCS System Stronger Than Comparable Rebar Confinement Systems

Warstone Innovations, LLC has completed a third and final round of testing with Smith-Emery Laboratories to determine the tensile force capabilities of our patent pending Continuity Connection - an integral aspect of our Structural Column Strengthening (SCS) System.
In comparison, the tensile strength of a standard #3 grade 60 rebar is 9,900 lbs at failure, whereas our system resulted in over 10,000 lbs of tensile force at failure.
These test results prove that our Continuity Connection is easily capable of exceeding the comparable stress requirements of conventionally used confinement rebar. Improvement of the continuity connection system is continuing and recent upgrades show promising improvements in tensile strength capabilities.
With these test results, we are confident that our Continuity Connection will defy conventional confinement systems and completely unearth new column strengthening markets previously unattainable.
You can find more information about our SCS System HERE.