Warstone Innovations, LLC Becomes Sponsoring Member of a Number of Organizations
We are very excited to announce that Warstone Innovations, LLC has become a sponsoring member of the following:
We are very proud to have joined the following:

Center for the Integration of Composites into Infrastructure - (CICI)
Part of the NSF and I/UCRP:

National Science Foundation - (NSF)
Cooperative Research Program - (Industry-University Cooperative Research Program IRCUC)
Testing the full SCS System will be performed at:

Constructed Facilities lab (CFL)
North Carolina State University,
We are proceeding with full performance academic testing of our SCS System, for both existing timber piles/poles and existing concrete columns. This collaboration demonstrates our continuing dedication to establish the engineering design, strength parameters, and physical capabilities of our “all-in-one” (Repair, Strengthen and Protect) SCS System.