Oroville, CA Dam Overflow Could Benefit From Water Control Devices Such As Warstone Innovations'
The Oroville Dam has been all over world news this weekend after it began to overflow and damage to its' spillway left a fear of failure. After evacuating 188,000 people, engineers from the CA Department of Water Resources, and agents from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, are forced to decide how repair the damaged spillway and protect the town of Oroville. As news flows in, such as CNN blaming officials for having neglected the Dam in the past, to the bay area news agency Mercury News describing the ongoing repair and governmental fallout of the incident, we will watch closely to determine this situation might have been avoided. As for repairs, officials have already begun resorting to the use of super-sacks filled with rock in order to patch the failed spillway but more might need to be done to prevent severe damage from exacerbated erosion down river.
A new answer for addressing dire situations like these could be Warstone Innovation's patented Interlocking Bags. Not only can our Interlocking Bags be rapidly deployed and assembled in an emergency, but they can also be used in advance of crisis as a simple yet reliable erosion control and water management device. The bags can be filled with any material that fits a specific need, such as, in this application, rock, sand, or our patented Super Absorbing Concrete.

We hope that the people of Oroville, CA remain safe and that precautionary measures are taken to assure the security of the Oroville Dam and the Feather River. Hopefully, with this blog, we can spread awareness of the multitude of uses of our Interlocking Bags and Super Absorbing Concrete, and save as many lives, homes, and infrastructure as possible. If you'd like to learn more about what we do at Warstone Innovations or about our Interlocking Bag System, click HERE for more info on our webpage.