SCS System recieves patent in the United States, patent #39993-00.
Through Creativity,
and Innovation for Our World
S C S System
Value Engineered Case Study
In order to further ascertain the value our system creates in the context of repairing and strengthening concrete columns, Warstone Innovations, LLC studied an old construction project conducted by the Epoxy Doctor. The project required the repair of six (6) 36”ø concrete caissons that were severely deteriorated due to corrosion of the reinforcing elements.
These caissons were repaired as per ACI and ICRI standard repair and strengthening techniques which included: removal of deteriorated concrete, exposure of the corroded reinforcing steel, cleaning the corrosion from the steel rebar, replacing or supplementing the deteriorated axial steel reinforcement, coating the rebar with an appropriated anti-corrosion/protective coating, rebuilding the section of concrete removed

with repair mortars (hand pack and poured), detailing all of the patchworks by grinding/blasting to provide a surface profile, and installing exterior carbon fiber fabric for confinement. This work was also dependent upon the location of the concrete columns; which, in this case, was subject to daily oceanic tidal flows, which therefore limited the hours of work per day (and increased the potential for future damage).
Aside from the required building shoring and the excavation required for any repair system, this project took an experienced team of specialized construction workmen 48 days using the standard of practice (due to tidal conditions, the project took thirteen weeks) at a labor cost of $147,840.

If the Epoxy Doctor had used the SCS System, Warstone Innovations estimates the working time would have taken only 18 days, at a labor cost of $55,440 and cost an additional $12,000 in material. This reduction in project time would equate to a savings of $92,440 of labor alone, which equates to a net savings of approximately $80,440. This massive reduction in labor costs provides room for the supplier of the improved jacket system to increase their profit margin while remaining competitive in the respective market.
Therefore, the SCS System creates a win-win scenario for the client, contractor, and material supplier.
The project will cost less.
The project will take less time.
Foundation strengthening will improve the structure value (improved ROI).
Cutting-edge technology protecting the structure assets leads to owner assuredness and security.
The lower project cost is a competitive advantage while maintaining or increasing profitability.
The reduction in labor time increases the volume of projects performed per year.
The ease and precision of the installation reduce the liability of installation errors.
Improved efficiency and ease of use can improve workers safety in hazardous conditions.